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I will drive________ or I will ride with_____________ Date you will begin work:_______________ Ending Date:______________ Employer Complete: Company Name:______________________ Contact Person:____________ MailingAddress:________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________Phone:________________ Please briefly explain the students work responsibilities: All parties agree to the following: The work experience shall be at a business site directly related to the students course work. Workmans Compensation will be provided by ϳԹ. This agreement may be terminated by either party if either is non-compliant, or upon mutual agreement only after consulting with the students teacher or co-op coordinator. _________________________________ _______________________ Employer Date _________________________________ _______________________ Parent/Guardian Date _________________________________ _______________________ ϳԹ representative Date Cooperative Learning Agreement Applied Technology Center, 2399 W. Main , Rock Hill, SC 29732 803-981-1100 Local employers, through providing a work based setting, give a student the opportunity to learn more about a particular career. Students are able to perform duties related to the occupational course in which he/she is enrolled. Purpose: For the student to receive broad instruction in workplace expectations and to master identified competencies related to the career field. Goals for Students: To exhibit an increased knowledge in course competencies To confirm or narrow his/her career choice To develop and improve workplace skills and work ethic to develop and improve problem solving, team building, and communication skills Students Responsibilities: Arrange transportation to and from work site Report to work on time, appropriately dressed and ready for the days work Accept responsibility for safety concerns while at the work-site and traveling to and from the work-site Report to ATC class any day when not scheduled to work Turn in time sheet every week to your ATC teacher Parents Responsibilities: Grant permission for student to leave school in order to participate Understand that school district personnel will not be present at the work-site Arrange for transportation to and from the work-site Employers Responsibilities: Notify the school immediately if a problem occurs, or the co-op experience is terminated Rotate the student through as many areas in your company as feasible Explain and confirm understanding of safety instructions by the student You are not required to offer the student a permanent placement once the co-op experience is complete You may pay students for their work, should you choose You should expect to sign a time sheet for the student weekly you should expect to complete a minimum of two written evaluations on the students work performance You should expect a representative from the school to arrange a visit to your site at least once during the semester. 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